Sat, Feb 15, 2025

ALSCCA Test & Tune & Driving Instruction

Barber Motorsports Park

About this event

After much anticipation, the ALSCCA will open the season with a Test and Tune event to help you knock off that off-season rust! For those of you who are interested in learning more about performance driving, this will be your opportunity to have some instruction without the competition being on the line! Become a student of the sport!

The test and tune format will have a timing board displaying time, but there will not be any live timing available for this event. You will have to work an hour on the course during the event and have the rest of the day to experiment or practice with your car.

If you're interested in being a driving instructor please reach out to me (The Registrar) and I'll get you placed in the workings. If you want to do some personal Test and Tune AND be an instructor, this can also be beneficial as it will reduce your cost of entry for Test and Tune as well as have your car available if you would like for a student to ride with you.

The waiver station will be closed after the course goes hot. ~ 8:45am We will be operating on a skeleton crew to allow for the most runs as possible for everyone who attends. Be sure you and your guests arrive early to obtain your wristband, or you simply won't be allowed in.

On Sunday, (February 16th, 2024, this event will be followed up by ALSCCA PTS 1 Autocross so you can put your new refinements or knowledge to the test in Sunday's competition!





  • Registration and Payment must be done online.
    • No classes will be needed for registering for THIS event.
    • NEW for 2025, registration closes at 5pm on the Wednesday before the event. This allows more time for us to construct the work assignments and run groups to possibly push that information out to participants at a more reasonable hour on Friday.
  • The number of entrants will be limited to a cap of 76. This could be subject to change. The wait list is first come first serve with no priority other than event operation critical personnel (SSS, Timing, etc.)
    • If you've been wait listed, you will receive an email when your registration has been confirmed and you added to the event.



Registration Fee: See registration options for detailed pricing.

Event Schedule (subject to adjustments):


  • 7:00 AM  -  Gates Open
  • 7:15 to 8:30 - Tech (Your car must be tech'd in order to Test N Tune.)
  • 7:00 to 8:15  -  Check-in / Registration (if there is any changes needed to your registration see timing trailer or event chair)
  • 7:30 to 8:30 - Course open for walking (no new walks after 8:15)
  • 8:30 - Mandatory Driver’s Meeting for all participants via PA
  • 8:40 +  – Workers to stations, Drivers to grid
  • 8:45 - First car off
  • NO SCHEDULED LUNCH BREAK. If you've worked your assignment or have yet too, eat your lunch then. This will allow folks to have as much access to the course as possible thru our time on the site.
  • ~ 4:00 - Approximately the time we will stop and make any adjustments to the course for Sundays competition. If the course is the exact same for Sunday we might be able to have more runs up to 5pm but that will be a game-day decision.

IF YOU ARE RIDING OR DRIVING A CAR: You must be wearing an approved helmet. You can find more about approved helmets on our forum listed below. We WILL have some loaner helmets available at the event!

Follow us on Facebook!

You can also learn more about the ALSCCA at

Check out our forum @ : for early worker opportunities, schedule, course maps, and more!



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Classic Car Store

Event requirements

Supplementals for Barber Proving Ground:

  • Registration and Payment must be done online via
  • If you're unsure of how to register, just message the registrar.
  • WAIVERS - Everyone on site at he PG during the event will be considered a participant (SCCA and BMP) or an invitee (BMP) and must have waivers signed for both Barber's and ALSCCA.  
  • MINOR WAIVERS are critical and must be correctly completed and notarized PRIOR TO THE EVENT - This Waiver must be printed and executed in color.  It can be found here:  SCCA Minor Waiver  Don't forget to bring it to the event. Your guardian must also be present to sign the Barbers waiver at the credentials building on the morning of the event.
  • Spectators and visitors are welcome, however, they must also fill out the appropriate waivers upon entry to the site, and be wearing the appropriate wristband.  Entrants are responsible for their guests.  Entrants can be asked to leave if their guests do not follow our policies and procedures. Saturday will have no competition as it is a test and tune / driving school.
    • The waiver station will be closed after the course goes hot. ~ 8:45am We will be operating on a skeleton crew to allow for the most runs as possible for everyone who attends. Be sure you and your guests arrive early to obtain your wristband, or you simply won't be allowed in.
  • Passengers are permitted.  Ultimately, it is your responsibility to access any risk and to make the decision on whether or not to to ride with or allow others to ride with you.  Non-Entrant passengers must be an SCCA Member or complete a Weekend Membership form which will be available at the trailer and waivers station.  Trial Memberships for passengers are FREE
  • ***The Skidpad is NOT included in this event.  It has a special surface that can be damaged without water constantly spraying - stay off the skidpad..
  • We will run rain or shine.
  • This is an outdoor event. While we have made accommodations for people with physical limitations, please bare in mind that there is an expectation of you having to work an assignment and then drive the rest of the day. Everybody else will be sharing this responsibility also.
  • EVERYONE WORKS! If you drive and decide to just leave without working your assignment, you'll likely not be able to run with the club again as this will put an incredible burden on the other course workers. We understand emergencies can come up but please DO NOT abuse the efforts of the good folks of the sport.
  • Entrants will be responsible for reimbursing Barber for repairing any damage for off-course run or otherwise.
  • Any tire off course during a run, will result in a DNF for that run 
    • For the non competition date, excessive placement of the car into the grass may result in a time out which one of our instructors will probably come work with you to keep you on the paved parts!

Entries (63)

Norah Ippolito
Andrew Miller
Sonny Ippolito
Nick Murphy
Joe Pettus
Trey Hutcheson
Clay Coleman
Adam Johnson

Barber Motorsports Park

Birmingham, AL
Download track map
Download track map
Watch a video tour/lap
Watch a video tour/lap
Buy virtual track walk
Buy virtual track walk


Autocross/Solo organized by

SCCA - Alabama Region

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Event over!