Sat, Dec 7, 2024

Las Vegas Region SCCA Track Event/Time Trial 3

Las Vegas Motor Speedway - ORC

About this event

Las Vegas Region - SCCA is holding a Time Trials/Track Event at Las Vegas Motor Speedway!

The Time Trial will be Held under the SCCA Time Trials Rules. The Track Event will be Held under the SCCA Track Event Rules

The event will be held on the Outside Road Course, their 2.4-mile, CCW configuration. 
This layout can be seen by clicking this ORC CCW Map

Early Bird Entry Fee: $200  Ends Nov 8th, 2024
Track Event/Time Trial Fee: $220

Payment is due at the time of registration. You will be charged immediately once you have registered.
This event is limited to the first 100 participants, so sign up early!

The mission of the SCCA® is to fuel a safe, fun and exciting motorsports experience for automotive  enthusiasts. Our complete Mission Statement is available on our Webpage.  

This Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) event is held under the SCCA Track Event (TE) Rules in  effect at the time of the event. All participants are expected to read and be familiar with appropriate  sections of the SCCA Track Event driver information. The current Rules are available via the SCCA  Website ( SCCA Track Event Rules). These Supplemental Instructions take precedence over all other  rules where necessary.  

Event Lead Jeremy Reimer
Safety Steward: Dale Shoemaker
Head Driver Coach: Dale Shoemaker
Novice Coach: Eladio Rodriguez
Competition Director (TT): Paul Durr
Chief Tech/Grid: Dennis Fisher
Registrar: Enrique Pulido
Flag Chief: Erik Novikoff

Registration: On-line registration is via, search for “LVRSCCA Time Trial”. (There is no walk-up registration.) The Event Lead of the event has the right to refuse any entry  at their discretion. Your credit card is not charged until after the event. 

Close of Registration: Registration will close at 11:59 PM on the Friday (December 6, 2024) prior to  the event. If there is still room in your run group, you may still register by contacting the Registrar  (Ambassador) directly, for an additional $50 late registration fee. 

Participant Requirements: 

1. Participants must be SCCA members (Weekend Memberships are available for $20 and must be  purchased online at the time of registration). 

2. Any driver that has the legal authority (license/permit) to operate an automobile on a public road  may participate in a Track Day (HPDE)/TT event, as long as all restrictions of the driving license  are met. If those restrictions require a passenger, that passenger must be an SCCA Driver  Coach assigned by the Chief Driving Coach.  

3. For All drivers aged 17 and under the parent/guardian MUST contact the Event Lead  ( 7 days PRIOR TO THE EVENT to discuss the Waiver  Approval Process and obtain the proper forms. Minors (aged 17 and under) are required to  have a specific SCCA minor wavier executed on their behalf by their parents or legal guardians.  

4. Everyone attending the event (drivers, crew, family or friends) must Check-In at Registration to  obtain a Wristband. The Wristband is issued once you have verified the SCCA “Release and  Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement” waiver has been signed. The  preferred method is via the SpeedWaiver which can be set up during registration. Additionally  there will be a waiver in Registration. EVERYONE attending MUST “Check-In” at Registration  and obtain an SCCA Wristband. EVEN if you have executed the SpeedWaiver, you must have  the wristband. This is your insurance while at the event, so No Wristband – No Insurance. It  should be noted that LVMS also requires a signature on their own  waiver, by all attendees at the gate, to gain to access their property – this is a separate waiver  that is unrelated to the SCCA Waiver. You must sign both waivers!  

5. Participants must present their completed Pre-Event Tech Form, available via the link on MSR and your helmet to the Tech Inspectors for approval. 

Run Groups: Participants are grouped by their level of “performance driving” experience as indicated on the entry form and must run with that group. Changes in the assigned group will be considered by, and are at the sole discretion of, the Chief Driving Coach. It is strongly recommended that all prospective entrants ensure that the profile accurately reflects prior on-track experience.  

Schedule: On site check-in and registration opens at approximately 7:00 a.m. each day of the event.  (We will send out an email prior to the event that contains the full schedule and other important documents. Print off copy of the schedule; hard copies will not be available at registration.) The Event officials reserve the right to alter the schedule before or during the event.

Participant Conduct: All drivers are expected to display patience and courtesy. 

Track Access After Hours: The Race Track is closed after hot hours. This is Track  Policy and will be enforced by track security. No participant may access the track surface, including on foot, on bicycle or any other means..  

Electric & Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Electric or Hybrid Electric Vehicles are allowed at LVMS.

Paddock Rules: Paddock speed limit is “walking speed” and it is strictly enforced. Note: This rule applies to all forms of transportation and includes electric scooters and golf carts. The use of electric scooters at high rates of speed has become a safety hazard. If electric scooters are not used responsibly in the paddock they will be banned from the events. Only licensed drivers may operate any type of motorized vehicles in the paddock. No scooters, bicycles, golf carts or similar paddock vehicles are permitted in the grid area.

If you have a fluid spill, please contact an event official immediately. The organizers and track management are not responsible for damage or theft of equipment. Speeding and reckless driving are strictly prohibited and could result removal from the property. Cars must slow down when exiting the racetrack into the pits. Be aware at all times of foot traffic in the Pit and Paddock areas. 

Track Rules: Any driver who spins or leaves the track surface with all four wheels shall immediately pit and speak to an Event Official in the Pit Lane. Failure to pit will result in a Black Flag. The Safety Steward reserves the right to Black Flag and speak with a driver for any on-track issues (i.e. repeated instances of putting two wheels off the track surface, improper passing). The Event Lead reserves the right to exclude any driver from the event for unsafe vehicle operation on, or off, track. Passing is permitted only in those areas designated for your Driver Group and only with a point-by from the car to be passed. Drivers are only allowed on track during their designated group’s run sessions. 

Disqualifications: Drivers are responsible for their guests, crew, and service vehicles. Vehicles operated in an unsafe manner anywhere in the facility may result in the participant being dismissed  without refund. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed before the day’s final track session ends. 

Rights: The Entrant agrees to permit the Sports Car Club of America Inc., SCCA Pro Racing Ltd, and  their assigns (including but not limited to series’ sponsors, and promoters/organizers of an Event), to use,  license, reproduce, have reproduced, show, and have shown, without limitation in space or time and  without cost, charge or fee, Entrant’s driver(s), crew members and cars, including the car(s’)name(s),  likeness (s), logo (s), design(s), artwork and other creative elements (other than rights in the name and/or  likeness of the subject car(s) that are not owned or controlled by the Entrant) involved in the Event(s) in or  on any medium whatsoever, including but not limited to advertising and promotional materials, reports,  broadcast and print media coverage of any type, video games, model production, software and any other  form of electronic media distribution. The Entrant further acknowledges and agrees that SCCA and/or  SCCA Pro Racing may freely assign or license its rights to a third party. 

Mandatory Safety Equipment: 

1. While on track, participants and passengers must wear at minimum shirts (short-sleeve acceptable), long pants or shorts, and closed footwear covering the entire foot with non-slip soles. We STRONGLY recommend materials that are non-reactive to heat (i.e. Cotton is preferred over synthetic). 

2. Helmets with a minimum Snell K, M or SA 2010 rating are required. Helmets with only a DOT rating are not permitted. Please see Accepted Helmet Certifications for specifics on other helmet certifications (ex: SFI or FIA) that may be used. The Certification inside the Helmet will be checked. LVRSCCA has loaner helmets available for rental the day of the event.

3. All drivers of open cars must wear eye protection (face shield, goggles or similar face protection) made of impact resistant materials. Drivers of cars without DOT approved windshields are  required to wear approved full-face helmets with impact resistant face shields. 

Car Eligibility: 

1. All passenger cars that are street legal, currently registered vehicles are eligible. Cars classified by the GCR for SCCA Club Racing and are also “closed wheel” are eligible. Vans, pick-up trucks and SUVs will be allowed in HPDE on a case-by-case basis and only with preapproval of the Chief Driver Coach and Safety Steward. Event organizers may exclude any vehicle on the basis of unacceptable on-track risk e.g. rollover potential. Please see Technical Inspection items 4 and 5 below for further clarification. All cars driven by Novice run group participants must have a passenger seat with at least a three-point seat belt, both meeting DOT standards as a minimum. Open Wheel (Formula Cars) are allowed on a case-by-case basis in HPDE only after they have been preapproved by the Chief Driver Coach or Safety Steward.  

2. Convertibles (soft-tops, retractable hard-tops and removable hard-tops) must have an aftermarket roll bar installed that meets SCCA TT Level 2 Safety Requirements for Convertibles.  Exceptions are approved only on a case-by-case basis  and requires factory documentation. If in doubt Contact before the  event. Rollover protection should be such that all vehicle occupants are able to pass the “broomstick” test when properly seated, belted, and helmeted. 

Services: restrooms are available on site. Fuel is available off site.

Camping: There is no camping available at the LVMS 

Pets: Pets are prohibited in the Grid and Pit areas. In all other areas of the facility, pets must be leashed and in the control of an adult. Pets are NOT permitted in any of the LVMS buildings. 

Time Trials Special Instructions 

This event is held under the SCCA Time Trials (TT) Rules in effect at the time of the event. All participants are expected to read and be familiar with appropriate sections of the SCCA Time Trials  Rules. All TT participants are required to be familiar with this information prior to participating in a Washington DC Region TT. 

Classing: LVRSCCA uses the national SCCA TT ruleset for car classing, please refer to for all specifications. 

Unlimited Prototype: for formula, sports racer, and other non-production-based cars that are not permitted in the national ruleset. Cars must satisfy SCCA Car Eligibility requirements. 

Car Requirements: All cars must comply with requirements listed in the above Car Eligibility section. All drivers must submit a tech sheet to the Tech Inspector and receive a TT run group sticker to be allowed on track. 

Drivers’ Requirements: Entrants must be SCCA members (weekend or full)

Drivers’ Meeting: Prior to any on track sessions a mandatory TT Drivers Meeting will be held. All TT drivers must attend this meeting prior to being allowed to participate in any TT activities, unless cleared by the TT Competition Director. The time and location of the meeting will be included in the Schedule obtained online or at Registration. Failure to attend this meeting will result in exclusion from the days’ TT activities. 

Time Trials Event Procedure: LVRSCCA SCCA Time Trial events will be run in accordance with procedures outlined in the SCCA Time Trial Competitor's Rulebook, or as the competition director deems necessary to ensure a safe, fair, and competitive competition.  

Protests/Compliance Queries: Any inquiry as to the class compliance or compliance with on track conduct requirements shall be done using the SCCA Rules Compliance Query process located at The Query Committee shall consist of the Competition Director, any assistant Competition Director on site at the time and the Event Lead. No Query Fees shall be applied. All Compliance Queries shall be submitted prior to the awards ceremony for the event. 

Passing Rules: Advanced & Intermediate Advanced Passing is permitted anywhere on track with a point-by. Intermediate & Novice Passing is permitted in the designated passing zones with a point by.

Passengers: Passengers are not permitted during timed TT sessions. 

Transponders: This event is a BYOTD (Bring Your Own Timing Device) it’s important to remember that there are no Track Transponders available for rent and you cannot bring your own. That being said, you can use any GPS-based timing device/app

Examples of these include but are not limited to:

  • HotLap (Our Personal Favorite)
  • Track Addict
  • Harry’s Laptimer
  • SoloStorm
  • AiM SOLO

Questions: Please contact Jeremy Reimer, TT Event Lead, or email with your questions. 


Event Schedule

Gates Open: 6:00 AM

Registration & Tech Open: 6:30 AM

Registration & Tech Close: 8:00 AM

Flaggers Meeting: 7:15 AM

Advanced Drivers’ Meeting: 7:15 AM

Intermediate, Advanced, & Novice Drivers’ Meeting: 7:30 AM

Continued Novice Meeting: 7:45 AM

Course is Hot: 8:00 AM

Gates Close: 6:00 PM


Run Group Structure:

Novice: Generally 0-2 days track experience, or anyone with more experience but not yet as comfortable on track. The session includes a lead-follow familiarization lap in the first session to familiarize with the track/safety protocol and session-by-session instructor meetings to help with questions and feedback throughout the event. Point by passing based on group progression, generally front and back straight.

Intermediate: Generally 2-4 days track experience, or anyone with more experience but not yet as comfortable on track. Point-by passing on front and back straights.

Intermediate/Advanced: Generally 4-10 days track experience. Point-by passing on all straights.

Advanced: Generally 10+ days track experience. Point-by passing still mandatory, but may be taken anywhere on track. 



Do you know who the backbone of our events are? Track Staff! 
Although we do pay our track staff, you can donate to our Track Staff Bonus Fund
If you'd like to donate to our track workers we will match 100% of your donation!
* At the time of registration enter your desired donation amount and Donations will be processed after the event is over *

Event requirements

Our tech inspections are known as "self-tech", and is the standard way track day organizers handle inspections today. Essentially you follow a checklist of items to ensure that all requirements are met, and during registration you will certify that your car meets all the requirements

Tech forms will be available at the event but you are welcome to print out and fill them out on your own
SCCA TT TechForm

Some vehicle tech requirements are as follows:

  • Convertibles without factory rollover protection must have a rollbar OR a hardtop. ie. Miatas (all generations) need to have either a hardtop or an aftermarket rollbar. S2000s only need the factory rollover protection
  • If your car has any of the following features, take your car to Tech for Tech Signoff
    • Convertible
    • Aftermarket Seat
    • Aftermarket Seat Belts/Harnesses
    • Roll Bar/Cage
    • Non-DOT Windshield

LVRSCCA reserves the right to refuse a vehicle to be driven on track, if the vehicle is deemed unsafe and does not follow the safety requirements. Drivers who have a vehicle that is declared unsafe will not be issued a refund if their vehicle is unable to pass tech. 

Tech Inspection includes: 

1. Convertibles with roll bars - convertible tops must be fully down or fully up and fastened. 2. Sunroofs must be closed securely. 

3. T-Tops removed. 

4. Operational brake lights are required on all cars. 

5. Restraints must be the same for driver and passenger. The stock 3-point seatbelt is acceptable.  If a person chooses to put in a multi-point harness, they must do so for both seats. Drivers cannot use a harness unless there is an equal one for the passenger. 

6. For participants with an instructor – the front passenger seat must be equivalent to that of the driver. Only the Safety Steward prior to the event may waive this requirement. 

7. All loose items inside and outside the car must be removed including the driver’s floor mat.  8. All Rollbars or Cages must be sufficiently padded with proper materials in any location where an occupant’s helmet could contact the roll structure. The “equal protection for driver and instructor” rule applies here.  

9. Any car that is found to be unsafe during the event must have those problems corrected before continuing. 


A. Helmets meeting at least one of the following standards must be worn while on track (Note: ECE helmets are no longer allowed as of 2023):

1. All helmets meeting the latest or two immediately preceding Snell Founda­tion standards (SA2020, M2020, EA2016, SA2015, SA2010, SAH2010, M2015, M2010)
2. SFI standards 31.1, 41.1, 31.1A, 31.2A, 41.1A, 41.2A;
4. FIA standards 8859-20158860-20108860-2004;
5. British spec BS6658-85 type A are acceptable.

B. Full face shall be worn in an open vehicles without windshields. (e.g. sports racer, exoskeleton kit-cars) Face shield, goggles, or similar face protection (conventional eyeglasses are not sufficient) shall be worn while competing in any other vehicle with less than the standard-size windshield.

For maximum protection, helmets must fit securely and should provide adequate peripheral vision. The chin strap must be securely fastened.

You can also visit GummyGrip to purchase a helmet as well

Thanks to our sponsor Gummy Grip Las Vegas for continuing to support LVRSCCA.


Entries (91)

Kobie Miller
Habtamu Fedil
Ken Sidorowicz
Damian Nunimaker

Las Vegas Motor Speedway - ORC

Las Vegas, NV
Download track map
Download track map


Time Trial organized by

SCCA - Las Vegas Region

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Event over!