About this event
The Waving Grass GTA Rally
Join us for a fun scavenger hunt type adventure while enjoying a ride in your favorite car.
Sunday, April 13, 2025
9:15a-9:45a Registration
9:45a Driver / Navigator meeting
10:00a First car off
1:00p +/- Lunch social and awards
Where? (Start)
I-90 Exit 27 Park & Ride
241 NY-30
Amsterdam, NY 12010
All are welcome. At least one person in each vehicle must be a SCCA member. Temporary SCCA memberships are available for additional $20.
How much?
$20 per team or vehicle (SCCA Member) / $40 (non-SCCA Member)
Additional info:
Teams will need the following:
- Camera with digital display
- Internet access
- GPS unit
...or a smart phone / tablet with these capabilities
Event requirements
No special vehicle needed.
Teams will need the following:
• Phone/camera with digital display
• Internet access